
Non-Formal Education

In our educational work with children, youth and adults we use non-formal educational methods with its key concept of learning by doing and experiencing. Our project are being realized in the spirit of modern education which means that:

  • we focuse on the educational process itself,
  • we put an emphasis on creativity and selfexpression,
  • we value individual and group engagement,
  • we create conditions for selfdevelopement and self-fulfillment,
  • we assume that everyone is responsible for his/her own learning process.

Non-formal education is not an incidental education because it is a planned process with a structure, phases of realization and tools to meassure the educational results. Each non-formal project is run according to a plan, in which the target group, aims, assumed results and timeline of activities is defigned. All actions within projects are monitored, evaluated and reported.

Non-formal education id different from formal education which is subjected to external regulations, strictly planned according to valid curiculum directions and obligatory. While non-formal education is more flexible in structuring a learning process and based on voluntary participation.

The key concepts of non-formal educeation:

  • Non-formal education puts a strong emphasis on experiential learning (by doing and experiencing) in accordance with saying: Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, let me take part and I understand.
  • Non-formal education basis on different from traditional relations between learner and educator. The relation is not vertical any more (with teacher as the source of knowledge and pupil as a receiver). In non-formal education lerner and facilitator are in horizontal relation. It comes form belief that both sides supply each other with knowledge and abilities. Facilitator should moderate and support learning process but it is learners who is in center of learning process.
    Non-formal education assumes voluntary participation. Each lerner has to participate in workshops from his/her inner need to develope.
  • Non-formal education base on trust relation between lerners and educators.
  • Non-formal education the educational process is more important than achieveing learning goals itself.


Compass. A manual on Human Rights Education with Young people, published by Councile of Europe

B. Mida-Briot, T-kit: Social Intergation, published by Councile of Europe