
Non-Formal Education Methods

In non-formal education there is a wide variety of different educational methods. But they have something in common – they are active methods. The basis of that kind of methods is engagement of learners in the whole educational process. Those methods put emphasis on the cycle of learning itself and focus on discovering world, more than giving set definitions about our reality. Active methods have a lot of advantages, ex. we tent to remember longer things that we did on our own. Using active methods enables:
  • to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning,
  • to motivate students to be active,
  • to develop creative thinking, creativity of students and tutors,
  • to combine and integrate knowledge from different learning areas,
  • to learn group work and communication within a group,
  • to learn how to organize learning process.
The use of active methods stimulates learners, it gives each student an opportunity to participate fully in the learning process, help in easier acquisition of knowledge and it inspire to aspire for success. Source: