
Działania międzynarodowe

Międzykulturowy Wieczór Integracyjny

Mam na imię Emma i jestem wolontariuszką EVS w CIM Horyzonty. Prowadzę zajęcią z języka niemieckiego oraz warsztaty manualne pn. Międzykulturowe Robótki Ręczne w Klubie Osiedlowym Krąg, które bardzo lubię. Pewnego dnia wpadłam na pomysł, żeby zorganizować wspólny wieczór integracyjny, podczas któreg...

EVS/EVC report - Emma

My week started as always with the group meeting on Monday. We reflected on the intercultural evening, that happened last Friday. Afterwards I stayed in the office for my working hours.The next day, I met with a girl for a language tandem and gave my language class. In the evening, I had a meeting w...

Polish Cafe

Last two weeks we had polish cafe – it is project for foreigners to improve polish language and make practice with seniors. Topic of first meeting was introduction each other, where Polish seniors were speaking with foreigners students on polish language, they were practiced their polish speaking sk...

Manual workshop

Do you want to make amazing craft things? You can use your free time and come to our event!We had manual workshop about how to make hands shape flower’s pots. I was coordinator of this event and I was leading participants how to make this flower’s pot. I shared my experience how to work with gypsum,...

Ketevan report

Hey, I am Keti and I would like to summarize last week. It was little busy week. As always we started on Monday – we had group meeting where we discussed plans for this week. On Wednesday till Friday we had different activities in Social school. We had activities about Human Rights, Japan Theatre an...