
Experiencing our first national polish holiday

week 6

The first week of November started and we're getting more and more used to the cold, but beautiful Polish autumn.
The monday started with Świetlica at the primary school (Szkoła Podstawowa nr 77) and after that I (Constanze) went to the German working group in the Gimnazjum Nr. 51. 

On Tuesday we were again at the Primary school to go to Świetlica and the English conversation. Because we've always got our hands full at the primary school, the time always goes by so fast. In the evening we met our friends who had an Italian friend over. We had a very great evening with a lot of smiles and laughs.
On Wednesday we were in the morning at Świetlica. In the afternoon we set off to go to Biedrusko to the children - und youth club "Ciao". Every week we enjoy the time we spend there with the children and young people. This week we drew "abstract" paintings, which were all very funny to look at. 

The Thursday is the day for the Kindergarten for us. So we went to the Kindergarten (Przedszkole nr 81) in the late morning. At first we played with the kids on the playground and after that we went inside and played games which were connected to the topic "forest". 

On Friday I went for the first time to the primary school to go to the German classes in the 5th class. Because it was my first lesson with the kids and there was a young student who made her first German class I simply presented myself and for the rest of the lesson I watched the children and teacher. Even though it was my first lesson there I think that I will look forward to these lessons every week!

On Friday Brayan left us (Hélène and me) to go on a trip to Latvia and Lithuania. 
So the weekend was just for us girls and we had great plans. On saturday and on sunday we met with our friends to go to a dog exhibition which took place the whole weekend. 
We're all big dog fans so we really enjoyed our time together.
We really had an eventful week and we feel like we're learing and exploring every day more and more.