
Samuele report - april

Ciao a tutti!

After the holiday break, today we start to work again! It has been such an incredible journey around the Baltic countries: with my travel buddy Mikel, we have known people that treated us like people they had known for ages, met again good friends and every day we were desperately looking for a bed where to sleep for free - once again, we can strongly be proud of our well non-organized trips.

In the meanwhile Alexandra spent some time with part of her family that came here to Poland. With hers, we can finally complete the family collection that has come here in Poznan: all of our parents have come to Poznan and met us, a great event in the EVS History!

In the meanwhile of the meanwhile, I can proudly affirm I have no idea what did Saray do during these days :D Luckily with MAMASITA (the real saray’s name) we can meet today for a meeting to keep going the many activities we are planning as a Karaoke Night (ALL OF YOU ARE INVITED ;D), prepare the routine classes and new workshops – in this month we will explain you how does EVS works, how to apply to it and how can it be really useful.

Last but not least: a former volounteer that did her Evs in Bulgaria came back to Poznan and crushed us with her energy like a tornado inspiring us with lot of ideas and her volounteering experiences. I’m really looking forward to realize what I have in mind.

Na razie compay!
